A Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teaching
This page list links to pages that will be of interest to pragmatics researchers. Many of them have been compiled through the Web Watch pages in our newsletter.
Discourse Analysis
Discourse Analysis
What is discourse analysis?
Conversation Analysis
Ethno/CA News Paul ten Have's comprehensive CA site
Conversation Analysis Network Asia CAN-Asia
Tools for transcription and analysis
Transana, a freely downloadable transcription and analysis tool
CLAN, free software to help transcribe CA data
Speech Acts
What is a speech act? A basic overview by LingualLinks
Why teach speech acts? Basic information and examples of a series of speech acts in a variety of languages. It also has an extensive annotated bibliography of research on speech acts.Other Pragmatics-related Organizations and Conferences
International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Using pragmatics in the classroom
Teaching pragmatics
Online lessons plans which encorporate pragmatics into English classes
Where does pragmatics fit into today's classroom?
Why teach pragmatics?
Free Online Journals
IPrA Journal: Pragmatics
-offers a complete online archive in open access
-nearly 10,000 pages of pragmatics articles freely accessible
Discourse Analysis Online
The Internet TESL Journal
Reading in a Foreign Language
Journal of Second Language Writing
Major print journals in the field
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Journal of Pragmatics
Language and Communication
Other related journals
Journal of Classroom Interaction